Employment First.

Employment for All.

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APSE membership

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Employment Success Stories

Get to know us

State board members

MN APSE’s Purpose Statement:

MN APSE is an action oriented organization. We exist to bring people together to raise expectations so that people with disabilities can be employed, contribute and assume their roles and responsibilities as citizens in their communities.

Employment is the same wages, standards, responsibilities, expectations, and opportunities available to any working age adult.

One person at a time. Employment is the avenue out of poverty and isolation.

National Members
have been certified as employment support professionals through our national CESP accreditation
People attend our national conference annually
States With Employment First Legislation, Directive, or Executive Order

Webinars & Podcasts

Upcoming Board Activities

Certified Employment Support Professional Exam (CESP)

Save the date, 2024 MN APSE State Conference, 10/10/2024, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Shoreview Community Center